High Forehead Hairstyle

Long hairstyle for a high forehead
Photo: Anetlanda/Shutterstock
Q: Hi there, I am newly married and 24 but am often mistaken for being 18 or younger. Fixing the hair problems I have hopefully can help me look a little older and sophisticated too! I saw this website up, and it said you could email questions which I think is great! So thanks for any help you can give. I actually have two questions.
First, I have a high forehead, and I know I probably need some kind of bangs. But I also look kind of young for my age and bangs makes me look that much younger. I was wondering if there is a good hairstyle I could go with that had maybe a swoop of longer bangs or just shorter hair hanging in the front.
The other thing is that my hair is also very fine. I had highlights put in it once somewhere, and I think it was something they put in with the highlights to make it thicker. It was awesome. My hair was noticeably thicker for several weeks! Well, I went to a different place for highlights and it didn't feel as thick as before.
So I was wondering if there is something that I can put in my hair myself to give it a really thick feeling or if I have to go to a professional for that. It was so thick that I didn't have to wash it but every other day, and I usually can NEVER go a day without washing it. Any answers you have would be wonderful. Thanks.

A: As for recommending a hairstyle, there are so many factors involved that I couldn't possibly make recommendations here via this forum. I can however, assure you that there is an almost infinite variety of bangs styles available to you.
You might want to consider a cut that features long bangs that are rounded at the sides to blend to the rest of the hair length. This will give you versatility in styling and allow you to have the bangs you need to balance a high forehead.
You can also consider having the bangs (and the rest of your hair) razor-textured to add softness and a more sophisticated look to your overall hairstyle. This should help you to avoid looking too young with bangs added to the style.
As for the thickness issue, many women find that they like the change in texture in their hair after it has been colored. The hair coloring process uses peroxide to swell the hair and raise the cuticle layer so that the color will penetrate, which makes the hair feel thicker.
If you wanted to have the feel of "color treated hair" without changing your hair's color, you can use a clear gloss "color" that simply adds shine agents to the hair. It will make your hair feel the same as if it were colored with traditional hair color.
You can also find products called "thickening serums" which can be added to the hair to make the hair feel thicker. These work by slightly swelling and coating the hair shaft and will make the hair feel thicker after use, but the results are only temporary.
See also:
The various types of bangs
Cutting and trimming bangs
Do bangs make you look older?
What hairstyles will make me look older?
How to dress to look older