Halle Berry's Long Warm Brown Hair

Halle Berry with a long and straight hairstyle
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We've all seen Halle Berry wear short, long, curly, straight, and medium-length hair, and she can wear every one of those styles very successfully. Maybe it's the coveted small waist she is showing off in this most remarkable black dress she is wearing.
Can a tiny waist make a hairdo look good? Surely, it contributes to the overall effect. Look at those dropped sleeves on her dress, so dressy and feminine, Halle!
The color of her hair is a medium warm brown, which suits Ms. Berry well. Truthfully, I think our celebrity looks much more elegant with short hair. If she has a 22-inch waist, wearing short hair could make it look even slimmer.
Does this mean we should all rush out and cut our hair short? Would you like your waist to look a few inches smaller? Good posture and a good haircut can deceive even the most critical of your friends.
Halle Berry's long warm brown hair
Photo by PR Photos
Besides, following a tip like this could get you to Broadway while your friends are writing resumes for Disneyland. It's like the difference between fine wine and cheap port, or between a donut and a French pastry. Now, you're getting the picture!
Halle Berry might shave her head bald for a new movie, "Nappily Ever After." The movie might include a scene where she shaves off all her hair. Maybe we'll see something we've never seen before: a bald Halle Berry. Very soon, her long locks might be history, and she could return to her trademark super short hair.
Halle Berry with long hair - Straight hairdo
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Halle Berry Hairstyles