How to get a Good Haircut (2)

Young hairstylist who can't wait to use her scissors
Photo: Africa Images/Canva
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What reputation does this salon have? What reputation do the stylists who work there have? Are they considerate and professional? As you look and watch, do you see them cleaning their brushes and combs or using the same comb on another client?
Are they quick to sweep up the hair, or do they keep it on the floor and wait until they are finished because they have another haircut? Are their professional licenses in plain view? All these questions are worth considering. You have to ask what is important to you in a stylist.
Unfortunately, when you are quite young and fresh out of beauty school, the public views your lack of experience in the salon as a lack of knowledge. This couldn't be further from the truth. If they have graduated from a good, reputable school and are serious about their profession, in fact, they are often much more up to date on the latest coloring and cutting techniques than others in the salon could learn from.
The same thing is true of an older hairdresser. The public judges them based on their age, not taking into account the wealth of experience that stylist has. If the older one has kept up with the latest fashionable cuts and colors, you have discovered a real gem.
How much are you willing to pay for a good haircut? When the price is higher, many times you are paying for their good reputation and experience. They have earned their dues and worked their way up.
There are times when you go and get a trendy haircut, only to discover too late that the cut wasn't right for you. The stylist was good and cut your hair perfectly, but you were horrified as you felt the little hair you had left. You walk out of the salon crying and swear you'll never get it cut again. Others may have loved your new look, but you just can't seem to adjust to it, especially the lack of hair.
Perfectly cut short hair
Image: AI illustration
You were accustomed to your long hair, and in an instant, it was gone with a snip. How can you prevent this from happening again? Firstly, don't follow trends. Just because various styles come out does not mean they are suitable for you. If you are tired of the same old style, begin to alter it gradually, not all at once. Talk to your stylist and tell her what you are thinking. Ask her if you can start making a very small change towards the hairstyle you have in mind. Little by little speaks volumes.
You may have a personality that cannot handle a sudden drastic change, when you are used to having your long, thick locks hanging on your shoulders. Going from long hair to short in a matter of 30 minutes can be a very traumatic experience. Save yourself the stress!
One tip though, as we age, long hair hanging alongside our face does not improve our looks, but drags our face down with it. Pulling it back from your face and wearing it like you used to in your college days doesn't help either. Every sagging muscle, line, and fat will be obvious. Change doesn't have to be upsetting if you follow it through gradually.
See also:
Tipping in hair salons
How to deal with a bad haircut
How to choose a new and good hair salon
Scissor happy hairstylists and unhappy clients
Hair salons and quality haircuts