Ponytails and Baseball Caps (2)

Long blonde hair in a high ponytail
Photo: Shutterstock
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Take your ponytail hair and maneuver it into the hole that is below the ponytail and with your other hand bring the hair under the band and up and into the hole above the ponytail. Pull it up and out. Spray the hair where you want it. Section the sides off into three horizontal rows. Take one row at a time and twist or braid your hair while going back to meet your pony.
Tuck the hair under the band or tie it with a band or secure it with a pin. The top can be a bit more adventurous. Take your comb and section off about one inch in the very front and clip it. Take your rat-tail comb and create a large zig-zag part. Then, take each part of the zig-zag and twist or braid back to meet your ponytail and secure with a decorative hair clasp, a band, or a pin.
Another option for the top is to part on the side a smooth, straight part. Smooth the large section flat over your head and tuck either into the band or fasten with a pin, depending on how long it is. Do this until it is all finished. The top where you have clipped, dampen with spray and smooth it across your forehead in the opposite direction and around your side, depending on how long your hair is. For variety, you could add some clipped pieces of hair in different colors. There you have your most elegant ponytail.
Come to think of it, there are a lot of people who wear ponytails. There are some of the British Parliament wearing their ponytailed wigs and I still believe Tarzan had long flowing hair and probably tied it up occasionally into a "tail." The flower children of the sixties definitely wore ponytails. Look at those Sumo wrestlers, they all have ponytails.
Many real pirates who sailed the seven seas wore an earring in their left ear and a ponytail in the back. Old-time movie star Errol Flynn did when he portrayed a man of the sea, as did Captain Hook too. Our early settlers had ponytails, such as famous people like President George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton, who pulled their hair back into a ponytail from time to time.
Professional women wearing ponytails
Photo: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels
Ever since we can remember, hair has been pulled back and secured with some kind of clasp, band, scarf, pin, or comb to keep the strands in place and prevent the hair from getting into the wearer's eyes, so they can go about their work. Ponytails were actually more of an art and design in Egypt when their male children wore them. They would shave the whole head and leave about a two-inch spot for the ponytail to grow. Talk about being unique!
Today children are still wearing their hair up into ponytails just like they did hundreds of years ago. Back then, they fastened them with pieces of cloth and wooden hair ornaments. Now they put scrunchies with butterflies, bugs, and flowers of all colors to go with their dresses. Thanks to mom, their ponytails go into that small hole in the back of their baseball cap.
Some fads last for years and only Hollywood can break this chain of ponytails and caps that have invaded our world. The truth of the matter is; what would it be like if we didn't see those ponytails swinging under those caps as they jog? I guess we’d miss them, because all of a sudden everyone would be tailless. On that note, I think I'll go buy a baseball cap.
See also:
The power of the ponytail
How to put your hair up in a ponytail
Is a ponytail bad for your hair?
Celebrities wearing ponytails