Natural Look with Medium-Long Hair

Brie Larson's natural look for medium long hair
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Brie Larson has that ultra-natural look as she poses for the photographers at ELLE Magazine's Women in Television Celebration.
Her natural hair color is somewhere between light medium brown and dark blonde. Her highlights consist of a mixture of lighter blonde and thin weaves of light browns. Underneath, you can see her darker color, which is typical for the underside of the head as it is usually protected against the sun and other natural elements.
There are messy curls and waves that end up nestling around her shoulders, with the occasional stray straight hair adding a statement to her pose.
Brie Larson - Messy hairstyle for medium length hair
Photo by PR Photos
Brie brings a difference in her medium-long haircut with shorter bangs than what we usually see today. Although our musical celebrity is only 21, her messy bangs portray her as much younger. Striving to look younger? Get sassy and cut some bangs - they do it every time!
Brie's eyebrows are brushed darker, maintaining their natural form. She wears a white-blue eyeshadow, thin eyeliner, mascara, a touch of blush, and a light rose lip color. Note how good the wide black straps from her dress look next to her face and hair. It wouldn't have the same effect if they were white.
Brie Larson - Medium length hairstyle with curls and waves
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Brie Larson hairstyles