Diet for Healthy Hair

Girl with healthy long hair and drinking a glass of water
Photo: Depositphotos
No matter how much time and money are spent on perfecting hair health with products, hair health begins from the inside out. Hair is part of the integumentary system, which is a bodily system, akin to the nervous system. The integumentary system comprises hair, skin, and nails.
While the various parts of the body are related, hair is unique in that it grows from the inside to the outside of the head. People use many different products to achieve the desired effect of healthy hair. However, they often forget that healthy hair comes from taking care of their bodies with nutrients.
Unhealthy hair is unattractive; it appears dull, dry, and may have many split ends, resulting in a frizzy appearance. Poor nutrition is the most common cause of unhealthy-looking hair. A diet high in sugar, salt, and animal fat is detrimental to hair health. Such diets create added stress on the body, leading to a greater need for nutrients. Vitamin B depletion occurs without proper nutrition. B-vitamins serve various functions for humans.
The functions of B vitamins range from biotin preventing hair loss to helping fingernails get and remain healthy. It's not difficult to consume foods containing vitamins B and C, such as bread or eggs. Incorporating these vitamin-enriched foods into your diet is relatively easy, as they are inexpensive to purchase. Vitamins B and C are essential for hair growth, hair color, and good circulation. Sufficient intake of vitamins B and C in your diet will prevent individual hair strands from breaking.
A balanced diet is beneficial for your hair, but it's important to obtain necessary nutrients from the foods we eat. Like most people, you likely take multivitamins. Vitamin A should be included in your multivitamins, as it promotes a healthy scalp and works wonders for your skin. Apricots are a good source of Vitamin A. I enjoy them. It's advisable to avoid junk food and unhealthy drinks, as they deplete the body's nutrients. I steer clear of chocolate, a popular junk food. Some drinks, such as coffee, contain high levels of caffeine. I don't drink coffee at all.
Vitamins for better hair growth
Image via Canva
Drinking eight glasses of water per day is absolutely necessary for healthy hair. Water helps flush out toxins from your system, keeping your body hydrated and providing moisture to your hair. I make sure to drink water every day; it's always conveniently available and inexpensive. There are numerous benefits to drinking water, including quenching your thirst and aiding in food digestion, reducing stress on your body and making digestion easier.
Hair is composed of 98% proteins. Once hair grows out of the scalp, it is considered dead. Hair needs protein to become healthy. Fortunately, there are many protein-rich foods such as meats, seeds, and nuts that are readily available at local grocery stores.
As a partial vegetarian, tuna is an option that I usually include in my diet. I don't consume any kind of meat except for fish, which is a good source of protein. Tuna also provides essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fats found in abundance in cold-water fish. Essential fatty acids (EFAs), including both omega-3 and omega-6 fats, should be incorporated into the diet. These EFAs need to come from an external source, as the body does not produce them. Omega-6 fats can be found in foods like corn and some others.
By Susan | Updated | ©

See also:
Tips for shiny hair
Diet for new hair growth