
Female hair removal by shaving
Photo: Shutterstock
Why Shaving is Still an Effective and Popular Hair Removal Method
With all the modern hair removal techniques constantly being developed and improved and flooding the beauty clinics brochures, surely the old-fashioned razor has lost its popularity and appeal? This assumption is, however, far from the truth.
While many women are giving in to the enticing idea of never having to struggle with a razor again and putting an end to the depressing sight of unsightly stubble two days later, there are plenty who are persisting with razors as their preferred method of removing unwanted hair from their legs, underarms, and various other parts of their body, simply because shaving has unique advantages that many of the modern and permanent hair removal solutions do not possess.
How to Use a Disposable Razor
While shaving areas of the body such as the legs, underarms, and bikini lines is extremely straightforward and simple, there is a basic procedure that needs to be carried out to ensure optimal results are achieved. When using a disposable razor, the only tools you will need are the razor, some gel or foam, and warm water. It is also recommended to apply some body lotion after shaving to soothe and moisturize the skin.
Simply wet the area to be shaved with warm, soapy water to soften the skin and hair. Apply some shaving gel or lotion to ensure the razor glides across the skin more easily. If you are shaving underarms, shave in each direction as the hair under the arm grows in every direction, to ensure a smoother finish. In comparison, if you are shaving legs, always shave upwards to optimize results, as the hair on the legs grows downwards.
Shaving legs with a disposable razor
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels
Rinse the razor thoroughly after every stroke to remove the hair and foam and prevent the razor from clogging up and becoming virtually useless. The best results are achieved by using a sharp razor, so it is advisable to use a disposable razor no more than three times to ensure the best possible finish. Once all the hair has been removed, rinse off the foam, dry the area, and apply a moisturizing lotion if necessary.
How to Use an Electric Razor
Using an electric razor is essentially the same as shaving with a manual one, but with less hassle and mess. No water or foam is required as optimal results are achieved when the skin is dry. Simply switch the razor on and shave legs in an upward motion and underarms in all directions, keeping as close to the skin as possible.
It is advisable to use an electric razor very frequently, as often as every day or every other day, as electric razors are easier to use and most effective when cutting short, stubby hair. Apply a moisturizing lotion after shaving to moisturize the skin. Once a month, clean the razor thoroughly using an electric razor cleaner to remove any hair and debris that may have built up.
Electric shaver
Photo: Fox/Pexels
The Advantages of Shaving
•  It’s Painless!
While methods like plucking and waxing can make your eyes water just thinking about them, other more permanent methods of hair removal such as electrolysis, laser treatments, and flashlamps are often referred to as "virtually painless." On the other hand, shaving body hair can always be considered "absolutely painless."
Apart from the occasional nick, often caused by hurried shaving or a dull razor, shaving legs, bikini lines, and underarms with either a regular razor or an electric one is completely pain-free. This is a major advantage, especially for those with low pain thresholds!
•  It’s Fast, Convenient and Easy!
There's no need for an appointment, no need for any prior research, and no need to nervously wait in a sterile and characterless clinic. You can simply pick up a razor, wet the hair, and voila, ten minutes later you have a beautiful, hairless body.
Using a razor requires no prior knowledge or skill and can be done almost anywhere, at any time. Shaving is an extremely easy method of removing unwanted hair that does not require any fancy equipment. Practically anyone can pick up a razor and, minutes later, have smooth and silky skin.
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