Men’s Hair Care for Dummies

Hair care for men
Photo: Bigstock
Men often judge women for the time and effort that we spend to get our hair to perfection, along with all the products we have lined up in the bathroom, including the specific shampoos and conditioners that are essential to our lives. And don't even get me started on the heated styling tools that take up most of our money and we've learned we can't live without.
In short, many of us women have spent countless hours and a lot of money to perfect our styling routine, and I think that we can, at times, become envious of men and their seemingly easy shower and preparation routine.
It seems as though we need a good hour or so to get ready for a nice night out or a date or a few hours at the salon when we get our hair colored and blown out. Men, on the other hand, just hop in the shower, wash with a 2-in-1 and let themselves air dry, possibly adding some product if they're feeling up to it. Even a haircut seemingly takes a fraction of the time it takes us. We are still picking out the right highlight color as a man comes and goes with a fresh haircut.
How is that fair? Maybe it is simply because men have not been taught what they need to do and the products that they must purchase in order to live their best-conditioned life. Maybe they just haven't cared to learn. Fortunately, the most useful tips are quite easy to follow, and any basic man can follow this routine while maintaining it in the long run.
First off, all men need to ditch the 2-in-1 hair products as they are considered to just be cheap and a lazy way out, in the hair styling world. Yes, hair does take some effort but in the end, you will thank yourself and be glad that you went the extra mile. It is much like the way you probably feel when you see a well-styled woman walk past you and you can see that she cares about her hair and how it is styled. Hair can be a huge draw of attraction to your partner, so you should do your part as well, regardless of how long or short your hair may be.
Man who is shampooing his hair
Photo: Pixelshot/Canva
Here's what you should know about shampooing. Only do it two to three days per week, depending on your hair type. If you have long hair, you need more maintenance and if the hair is short and also very healthy, most men can shampoo once a week. That's pretty amazing, but by the same token, if a woman gets an amazing blowout, it can last up to a week.
Shampooing actually strips hair of the natural oils that are needed to keep follicles healthy and happy. Condition more than shampooing, as conditioners have all the essentials to keep hair healthy and moisturized.
Once you have finished in the shower, do not use your towel roughly on your head, to avoid hair loss. Hair loss is something that every man seems to fear. By rubbing your hair too roughly with your towel, it can tear delicate follicles. So, pat-dry with the towel. There is no need to be rough, even if you are in a hurry and think that this will speed up drying. It will only cause breakage and possible hair loss, which is something you definitely want to avoid.
Combs, Brushes and Hair Dryer
Also, use a wooden comb or a paddle brush on your hair when it is wet or damp to get out any tangles without ruining or tearing your locks. As for styling tools, if you opt for a hair dryer, always go for drying it on cool. Too much heat can burn out hair as well as causing frizz and follicular damage, which is not a fun situation to get into whatsoever.
If you're not going to get a blowout, then what are you going to do? Using a blow dryer is great for adding volume if you have thinner hair, but it can also help to set any gels or pomades that have been applied.
Man who is using a hair product
Photo: Pixelshot/Canva
Hair Products
But, what about hair products? Only a dab of product is needed, by the way, just in case you were ever wondering. Many men overuse products when they first start to experiment but literally, a quarter-sized amount can do wonders and will help to avoid buildup. Plus, it will keep the cost of buying said products down and you will not have to worry about running out all the time. If your hair is thinning, matte products are preferred but with regular hair, the possibilities are endless.
If you are an active daily product user, you will want to and have to wash your hair every day, unfortunately. You will want to get the residue out of your hair as soon as possible, again, to avoid excess buildup.
The Basics
So, here is a review of the basics when it comes to establishing a regular hair routine. Don't over-shampoo your hair, stick to about two to three times per week and make sure that you condition. Conditioning is actually more valuable than shampooing. Additionally, avoid using 2-in-1 products because they are not worth your time and money. If you use hair products daily, then you will need to wash your hair frequently, but always make sure you use them sparingly, as you don't need a lot to make a big impact.
Hair dryers should be kept on cool and used for setting products or creating thickness and never roughly towel-dry your hair but rather pat it dry to avoid breakage. The right wooden comb can help keep your hair untangled and smooth while a paddle brush should always be kept in the drawer, as well.
Embrace your curls and if you are losing your hair, do not try to hide it but rather keep your locks short and tight. And if you have any questions about going shorter or longer, feel free to consult your stylist. They know how to best help your hair type! Good luck!