Dara Torres's Short Hair

Dara Torres - Short hairstyle with the neck section flipped up
Photo by PR Photos
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Dara Torres wears a refreshing short hairstyle that transitions into a large, rounded, smooth bulk with the ends at her neck flipped up, reminiscent of a sixties fashion.
One side is blended over her head and along the side of her face, while the other side features a standout wave behind her ear. Her lovely tan lends more definition to her short hairstyle and the unique light beige coloring.
Dara's makeup includes bronzer, light and dark shadows, eyeliner on the upper and lower lids, lashes with mascara, penciled brows, and a flesh-colored lip tint. Her dressy black dress has a triangular opening in the front, complete with a circle pendant attached to her necklace. Small earrings that can barely be seen add a touch of delicacy to her photo.
Dara Torres wearing a refreshing short hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
Dara Torres
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More short hairstyles