Seventies Hair

1970s hair, hairstyles and fashion
Photos via Canva
I am a child of the 1970s, so I have seen a lot of changes happen, one of which is the different hairstyles from year to year. I don't know how we kept up, but if you look back to the 1970s and forward, you will see some of the most distinctive hairdos ever created.
Enter the 1970s: freedom of speech, freedom from restriction, carefree, and free-flowing everything! It was a time to experiment, and we did! In the 1970s, everyone wanted their hair to be straight and long. Thanks to Conair, we were all able to get what we wanted.
Conair delivered the 'pistol grip' style blow dryer to drugstore shelves, making it accessible to every teenager who could afford one. It usually came down to one per family, but the blow dryer was about to become the most popular household appliance since the television set! With this new technology, we were able to create the look that became the symbol of the hippie movement and the 1970s.
The 1980s were about to deliver a completely different look. This was to become the era of the "superwoman," with more and more mothers going back to work while still having a family. This required some time constraints to be removed, which would include a shorter, easier haircut to maintain. Gone are the long locks of the '70s. Women (and men) needed more time, so the shorter the time spent on their hair, the better.
Seventies fashion, hair,and turtleneck
Photo: Dean Drobot/Canva
With wedge cuts came the convenience of either drying your hair with a blow dryer or letting it dry naturally, as the hair was now cut to be easily controlled and fall into place. The 1980s also introduced us to mouse and gel, two staples of hair care that we can no longer live without. These two products were actually very drying to our hair, and we started seeing more hair damage in the 1980s.
This brings us up to the 1990s and to a more natural look. People once again wanted to start growing their hair out, but with variations. In the 1990s, we started seeing the dawn of feathering, razoring, shagging, and more. Hair would no longer stand up on end as in the '80s styles, but it would be cut more to suit the individual's daily needs. We started seeing hair not getting cut as often, just trimmed. The 1990s also saw a boom in hair care products that smelled like summertime flowers and cocoa butter, boasting shiny, full, and luxurious results.
Vintage hair salon with a seventies interior - 1970s
Images via Canva
There are so many products to choose from that it can be difficult to know what to buy. Therefore, your stylist becomes your best friend and their number is on your speed dial, as you are confident that you cannot make the right decision without their assistance.
Now, I think we have it figured out. Stylists certainly do, as they regularly attend training sessions to keep up with changing trends and the needs of their clients. If you look around a bit, you will also see that the 1970s have not totally gone by the wayside...
By Penny | Updated | ©

See also: More about vintage hairstyles