Curls, Ringlets and Waves

Wedding hair with curls and ringlets
Photo: Shutterstock
You have all the hair you need and wish you could bottle it up and sell it if you could, as it would pay for your upcoming wedding. In fact, you have so much hair that you need to use a wide-toothed comb.
If you want long hair, you have to let it grow much longer than your straight-haired sisters because of all the natural curls and waves. For you, it can be a problem. However, for others who do not have "your problem", it can cause jealousy.
For your wedding day, perhaps you are thinking about a smooth hairstyle gently flowing over your shoulders. You heard through the grapevine about this wonderful salon that is always busy doing brides and decided to go there. Good choice!
If your mind is made up to do your hair yourself, and your hair is unruly and kinky at times and you'd like your curls to be quite large and rounded, roll your hair with exceptionally large rollers about the size of orange juice cans. After it is dry, give it a good brushing for the natural look you desire. Be sure to do this at the last minute so your hair will keep its large smooth curls throughout your reception.
Another option would be to use your flat iron to smooth out your hair but tilt it under or up just a little bit at the ends, depending on which way you want your hair to go. Alternatively, use the largest curling iron you can find to smooth out your locks and achieve that graceful wave you desire. Make sure you choose a good hardcore gel that will make your hair do exactly what you want it to do. It might take a long time to dry, but the long-term effects will be worth it.
Short hair with rollers to create a wedding hairstyle
Photo: Shutterstock
If your hair is short, the same thing goes for short hair too. Use the largest rollers or the largest curling iron you can find to smooth out your hair. I wouldn't recommend using the flat iron unless you want a very straight look. Brush when dry and place the large curls where you want them.
One of the most beautiful styles a naturally curly/wavy head can wear to a wedding is to go along with what you already have. Magnify the positive. For example, if you have a lush mane and don't know what to do with it, roll it with medium rollers in haphazard directions all over your head. When dry, brush it out well. Pull your hair back and attach the pins vertically on both sides. This will create a cascade of curls gracefully flowing down your neck and back. Brush the top back and attach the pins across your head horizontally.
If someone were to look at the shape of your pins from the back, it would resemble an upside-down horseshoe. Fluff the curls and waves generously. You have a lot of hair, and this is your day to feel like a princess for your new husband. Another option is to add a synthetic braid wrapped around the top of the curls and waves. You could also place the comb of your veil right under the pins you put on top of your head horizontally. Voila! You'll look like a Grecian goddess. This is one of the most beautiful styles for brides with exceptionally long, naturally curly, or wavy hair. It's very feminine and brings versatility and a Mediterranean flair.
Wedding hair
Photo: Ekaterina Shumskih/Pexels
If you'd like to wear your long wavy locks up for the wedding, let's talk about something simple yet stylish. After washing and drying your hair, brush it out, then take the bulk of your hair and twist it in the back going up. If your twist is successful, it will look small with a bunch of poufs of hair sticking out on top. The top will be flat, as will the sides. Everything will be in that small twist you just created, mostly in the crown. What didn't go in there will be sticking out on the top of your crown.
Secure your twist with pins and fasten everything tightly. Then spray your hair with hairspray and allow it to dry. Take your medium-sized curling iron and curl what is left. Weave the curls around and through the other curls and pin them. Take your time. Take one to three small tufts of hair and use a crimping iron to make them stand out over the rest. You'll definitely look like a model walking down your own special runway when you stroll down the aisle. Diamond earrings that dangle would be fitting for royalty. Diamond studs would also look demure and bring class to your special event.
If you are carrying a bouquet of roses against a white background, lace or satin will blend in quite well. Silver, diamonds, pearls, or rubies will also complement your gown. Be creative and have fun designing, and don't be afraid to try new things. You don't have to be like everyone else. Dare to be different and have a stunning wedding!
See also: More About Wedding hairstyles