Color over Platinum Highlights

Highlighted hair that almost looks white
Photo: Shutterstock
Q: My daughter recently got platinum highlights. Her whole head looks white. Can I color over it and do I have to wait a certain amount of time?
A: The length of time you need to wait is dependent on the condition of her hair. Depending on her natural color, the platinum highlights may have meant the hair was lightened significantly, which may mean the hair will be very porous and possibly damaged. If the hair is in good condition, however, I recommend you wait at least two weeks before trying to add another color.
In the meantime, give her deep-conditioning treatments every three to four days to make sure the hair is as well-conditioned as possible. (This can be done by simply applying your favorite conditioner to damp, or wet, hair, comb the conditioner through the hair to distribute it evenly, cover the hair with a plastic cap, and warm the hair with a hair-dryer, or heated towels, for 20 minutes.)
When you decide to add a different color, be sure to use one that is deposit only. You don't want a hair color that will lighten the hair any further. I recommend that you visit your local beauty supply and select your hair color from there.
Select a hair color that uses a blue or violet base color. Platinum hair color uses blue or violet base color and you want to avoid any chance of unfortunate color results. (If you apply a gold based color, you could end up with a greenish cast to the hair.)
Be sure to use only 10-volume peroxide developer with the hair color. This offers no lifting action in the hair and will simply add the new color tone to the existing color.
If you are concerned that the hair may have been over-stressed by the platinum coloring process, consider using a highlighting cap and use a slightly darker hair color than the current color to add lowlights. This will break up the overly light hair and give a more natural look, without all-over color.
See also:
How to color hair
How to detect damaged hair
What deep conditioning is and how to deep condition hair