Hair and Emotions

Beautiful long hair and emotions
Photo: Depositphotos
Q: Why is hair such an emotional thing? Why do women make such a fuss when a haircut goes wrong?
A: Good question. These days, hair is an extension of your personality. If you know how to read between the lines, you can deduce or gleam a great deal of information about a person’s personality by just studying their hairstyle, cut, hair color, etc.
Think about it. Beauty queens tend to have long, shiny high maintenance bright blonde or dark chocolate colored hair curled to frame their faces. CEO types tend to have a well maintained, neutral and practical hairstyle and color which can be styled perfectly each morning, for example a rich medium brown bob. Stay at home moms often fall into the trap of not tending to their hair, pulling it into a ponytail each morning, not having their roots colored and not going to the salon due to a lack of money, energy or time.
Women/girls with a tight budget and lack of finesse tend to color their hair black, dark brown or red. They do it themselves and usually just dump the whole box of color on their head when they can afford to buy it. The hair at the tips is colored darker with each application, while the gray/natural roots of the hair are poorly covered, resulting in an uneven and patchy color and uncultured appearance.
You are spot on: hair can be a very emotional thing. Emotions are a personal and private extension of our personalities. With time, we learn to hide, disguise or even fake our emotions in order to put a font up to the world. We all want to be looked upon in a favorable light by those around us. We all want to be accepted; this is normal human nature. A hairstyle, just like emotions, is an extension of what’s going on inside a person. But unlike emotions, we can’t hide our hair.
When you are sad or feel like a complete failure, you can put on a cheerful anterior, even when you’re screaming on the inside. People tend to avoid an unsuccessful, depressed or negative person. This is why so many people who are unhappy tend to hide or suppress it. But when a major disaster strikes your hairstyle, it can’t be hidden or faked.
It is scientifically proven that others judge you based on your appearance within seconds of meeting you. If you feel bad or self-conscious about your hair, (whether others notice your bad hair or not), you send out deflective messages such as negative body language, averse behavior, uncomfortable expressions, etc. In turn, people react negatively to you, which feed your insecurity. If you hack off the long glossy locks of a fashion model, you’re taking away a functioning part of her appearance. If she’s had those long locks all her life, it’s like taking a piece of what defines her, her personality.
Hair can make or break your appearance, and these days a successful or attractive appearance is one of society’s focal points. That’s why the hair and beauty industry cashes billions each year. The hair industry is built upon basic human psychology, behavior and emotions.
See also:
First impressions
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