Ionic or Ceramic Hair Dryer

Q: What is the best choice, an ionic or a ceramic hair dryer?
A: It really depends on your needs. The differences between the ceramic and ionic hair dryers are as follows:
The ceramic hair dryer uses ceramic heating elements to warm the air and create even, controlled heat. Traditional dryer heating elements are prone to uneven heat and significant variance in the temperatures.
The ionic hair dryer works by generating predominantly negative ions which work to break down the water molecules on the hair. The negative ions also have the benefit of not opening the cuticle of the hair shaft, which helps the hair remain shiny and smooth, and lie flat. Because the negative ions work the way they do, an ionic dryer can dry the hair just as well as a regular or ceramic dryer using much less heat.
If the primary use of your hair dryer is as a tool to straighten your hair from a curly state, you may want a ceramic hair dryer, because you need the application of heat in order to affect the change in the physical side bonds.
However, if your primary purpose for using a dryer is to dry a head full of curly hair (or excessively thick, straight and wavy hair), an ionic dryer is possibly your best bet since it will help to dry the hair faster without the frizz associated with traditional hair dryers.
Of course, for simple, all-around functionality, you can go with an ionic dryer and use other styling tools to straighten the hair.
See also:
What do ions have to do with cosmetology?
The best blow dryer
How to blow dry hair
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