How to Cut Straight Thick Hair

Cutting thick hair
Photo: Roman Kosolapov/Shutterstock
Q: Is there a special way to cut long straight very thick hair to the shoulders and have it hang correctly due to its thickness? This cut is for a 13 yr old.
A: The key to any good haircut is to maintain control of the hair. This becomes especially important when the individual has very dense (thick) hair, since this can make it more difficult to work with.
In order to get a good, balanced and even cut, you need to make sure to section the hair and secure it up in clips to keep the sections you are not working with out of the way. Leave down a thin band of hair along the perimeter of the head. This will be used to create your guide lengths.
The hair should be kept moistened with a sprayer bottle containing water (or a mixture of water and leave-in conditioner), and should be allowed to hang freely, with no tension placed on the hair whatsoever. Start at the front of the head and determine the length to which you wish the hair to fall. If the hairstyle is not intended to feature a shorter fringe area, then simply cut a one-inch snip at the front center of the face. If there is to be fringe, cut the fringe area first to the desired length and shape.
It is also important that the client maintains a steady position of his or her head. Sit up straight, with your chin level with the floor. If needed, the person cutting the hair should position the head in the desired placement and the individual should try his or her best to hold that position.
After cutting the guide length in front, move to the back of the head and determine the length to which you want the hair to fall at that point as well. Cut a second guide length in the center back of the perimeter. Use your comb to keep the hair smooth and cut from center to the left side and center to the right side in the back to below the ear on each side. Make the cut in 1/2 inch snips holding the scissors even.
Move to the front of the head and repeat the process from center to left and center to right sides to the point below the ears. Blend the meeting point below the ears to create a smooth transition.
Now that the guide length is established, lower the hair in 1/2 inch sections from the confining clips. Comb the hair out smooth and cut the hair to the guide length. Proceed carefully and keep your hands level with the floor. As you work your way up the sections on the head, keep a watch for evenness in the cut and carefully even up any missed areas or uneven ones.
Once you've lowered all the hair and completed the cut, check the cut by combing out vertical slices and hold the hair out from the head slightly to judge the cutting line for protrusions. Once cross-checked, you can style the hair as desired.
See also:
How to cut thick, frizzy and curly hair
What would be an easy to manage haircut for thick curly hair?
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