Remove Hair Color From Fabric

Cleaning fabric
Photo: Rubchikovaa/Shutterstock
Q: Can you tell me how to remove permanent hair coloring from fabric (nylon)?
A: Depending on the fabric's color, you can always opt to bleach out the permanent color stain. However, this doesn't always give optimal results, even with white fabric.
Your best bet will be to get a hair color stain remover (available from many makers, such as Roux and Fanci-full). These are usually made for use on skin, but are your best bet. Just be sure to get to the stain as quickly as possible. The longer it sits the more the stain will set.
I'm afraid in some cases, especially if it has been left too long, the stain will be irreversible. Depending on the fabric and the item in question, you should consider taking the item into your local cleaners and discussing the problem with them. Expensive garments can be irreparably damaged by inept cleaning attempts, so exercise caution.
See also:
Remove hair color stains from your forehead
How to remove hair dye from your hands