How to Look Fashionable as a Plus Size Woman

Fashionable plus size woman
Photo: Syda Productions/Shutterstock
If you really think being plus size is an excuse for not being up there in the fashion ranks, you’ve got it all wrong honey. Gone are the days when being skinny was the only way of being trendy. More and more manufacturers are making clothes for the plus size body, so step out in style baby!
• Wear Clothes That Fit
A plus size body needs clothes that enhance its curves so find clothes that fit well. Some women will insist on wearing clothes that are so tight for them that they look like they’re about to burst out of their clothes. On the other end of the spectrum, some full figured ladies are ashamed of their bodies and will hide behind clothes that could easily pass off as a potato sack as well.
Neither choice does anything to flatter your beautiful body. Wear clothes that are your size, not too big and not too small. When you wear well fitted garments, you will automatically look better and become more confident as a result.
• Awesome Underwear
If only people would believe me. Good underwear is half your look achieved so invest in it and make me proud. Great fitting underwear makes you feel like a sex goddess/rockstar (take your pick!) and with all your privates well taken care of, your clothes look really great too.
• No Tapered Pants
No, no, no. If you didn’t get that…NO! Tapered pants don’t make you look slimmer…they make you look larger. Do you really want to look like an ice-cream cone? Do you honestly enjoy it when your thighs look larger than they actually are? If your answer is no, go straight leg or boot cut. They work really well by balancing out your larger and smaller bits. My personal favorite is the boot cut.
• Waist Worries
Some will tell you it’s all about the low waist for a full figure but others will insist a higher waist is better. I don’t really care. You can use both to work for you if you know how. If you’ve got a slimmer waistline, a high waisted dress looks sexy. Add a belt to accentuate those gorgeous curves. But when it comes to pants, I think it’s better if you go medium to low rise. They minimize the belly and the bum at the same time. Mission accomplished!
• Long Tops Are Magic
If your belly isn’t the stuff dreams are made of, it’ll probably look better if covered up well. How to do that? Wear longer tops that come down to the top of your hips at least. Not only does it hide your belly but works wonders on other wobbly bits that insist on popping out of jeans and skirts!
Apart from the hiding wonders, the magic of the long tops extends to other areas as well. Longer tops do a good job of elongating your torso and what have learnt about elongation? Yup…they make you look slimmer.
• The Rule of the V-Neck
V-neck tops are perfect for you plus size women. If you like low cut tops but not sure if you should wear it, I say, go for it! A V-neck top or dress will elongate your overall look and a little lengthening illusion never hurt anyone.
• Well Heeled
Very commonly used trick for a plus size body – add some height. And so, wearing heels is a fantastic idea ladies! Also, since I am a flats person, I know my gait can sometimes be very manly. But when I wear heels I’m a little more dainty. So you too can walk like a delicate girl in heels rather than just rolling along and shuffling about in your flats or trainers.
That’s quite a few tips to start out with don’t you think? Hopefully you’re dying to go shopping already. And if you already have all this stuff in your wardrobe, even better. I want to see all you plus size fashionistas strutting your stuff as much as any stick thin supermodel.