Caterina Murino's Curls

Caterina Murino - Medium length hairstyle with curls
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When I think of Italian actresses, I think of pasta, anchovies, pizza, and plenty of red wine to wash it down with! Everything becomes festive with music and a party atmosphere. Why not celebrate life?
Caterina Murino dazzles us with an extraordinary smile as she celebrates her heritage with plenty of large round rolling curls in her hair that frame her face. Her medium-length hair is styled in long layers with twists of total elegance, making Caterina a picture of sophistication. A medium-sized curling iron was used all around her head, with the curls allowed to fall where they may.
Plenty of shimmering eye makeup is the focal point of her look, with the rest of the hues kept natural. Light bronzing and a neutral lip color complement her light silver necklace and earrings. The rusty brown dress brings out her olive skin tones. Good choice!
Caterina Murino wearing her hair styled into round rolling curls
Photo by PR Photos
Tip: If you have a few years on you, stick with muted shadows, as glossy ones can accentuate every single wrinkle you've earned.
See also: More medium hairstyles