Demi Lovato's Long Hair

Demi Lovato - Long hairstyle with a free fall of curls
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Demi Lovato is wearing long brown hair with layers that cascade below her shoulders in a free fall of curls and loosely styled spirals. Her bangs are cut with texturizing and combed over to each of her temples.
If this hairstyle suits you, after you wash your hair, flip it around with your hands to remove dampness while lightly blow-drying. When your hair is dry, spritz some styling lotion on each section and twist with your curling iron. Because the hair is so long, a smaller iron would probably work best.
Everything depends on the texture of your own hair. For example, if your hair is limp with an oily texture, one of the easiest and most helpful things you can do is to have it tinted. The chemicals in the tint will help soak up the excess oil that you build up.
Demi Lovato - Long hairstyle with the bangs combed over to the temples
Photo by PR Photos
Demi Lovato
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles