Cristina Parodi's Hair

Cristina Parodi wearing her hair long and straightened
Photo by PR Photos
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Cristina Parodi, a busy Italian journalist born in 1964, exudes elegance in her photograph, possibly adorned in a satin dress. The vibrant coral hue beautifully complements her olive skin tones. Notably, she prefers to wear her long hair parted to the side, styled sleek and straight with a smooth, flattened finish.
If I had the chance, I would transform her lovely locks into an enchanting updo adorned with delicate sprigs and cascading strands, creating a whimsical crown atop her head. Two irregular wisps of hair would gracefully frame her face – one positioned higher near her temples, and the other gently caressing her ears.
To add a touch of glamour, I envision a subtle poof at the crown and thin, rounded bangs delicately skimming the middle of her eyebrows. Completing the look, I'd adorn her ears with pretty silver droplet earrings, perfectly accentuating her face. It's a transformation worth capturing in my before-and-after book. Can you envision this too?
Cristina Parodi wearing a coral color satin dress
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles