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You have a question about hair? We'd love to hear from you!
Here at Hairfinder, we are happy to receive your questions about hair and hair-related issues. We will post replies to your questions on our site as quickly as time and space allow us.
We reserve the right to determine the relevance of a question and whether it would benefit other readers.
The questions that are most relevant and have the broadest application to our readers will be answered first. We will notify you by email when your question and answer are online.
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The answer to your question might already be available on Hairfinder. Click here to search and find an immediate answer to your questions.
This service is 100% free of charge.
We can not give personalized hairstyle advice. However, you might enjoy using Hairstyle Imaging Software to see photographs of yourself with different hairstyles.
Note: We reserve the right to publish any questions received on However, we will not use any names or identifying information to ensure the questioner's privacy.