Remove Mustache without Shaving

Hair removal methods
Image: Shutterstock
Q: I am 14 years old, and I already have a mustache. My parents think I'm too young to shave because it will make the hair grow back faster and thicker. Are there any alternatives to remove my upper lip hair?
A: I do want to start out by saying that shaving will NOT cause hair to grow back thicker or faster. If that were the case, then both men and women with thin, fine or sparse hair growth would shave their heads on a regular basis until their hair was as lush and thick as possible. Facial hair growth especially is typically a matter of hormones.
You don't specify your gender, so, given your parents' hesitation to allow you to start shaving, I am going to assume that you are female. Forgive me if I am wrong.
And to answer your question: Yes. There are myriad options to shaving for facial hair removal. There are depilatory creams (made by companies like Clean + Easy, Nair, Nivea and Surgi-Cream, among others) waxes (both heated and cold wax preparations, in bulk packaging and individual use strips) and epilator devices that will remove the hair at the root (but be forewarned that most of these are painful to use). There are also facial bleaching creams that are designed to keep the facial hairs as invisible as possible.
For the sake of comfort, you probably want to use a depilatory cream. These are generally applied to the area desired and left to process (which means that they absorb into the hairs and break them down - effectively dissolving them) then wiped away leaving smooth skin.
See also:
Unwanted hair
Hair removal cream
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