Valeria Mazza's Hair

Valeria Mazza - Simple long hairstyle
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Argentinian supermodel Valeria Mazza was discovered at the tender age of 17. Some start early and work hard to climb to the top.
Valeria opts for a simple, long hairstyle that suits her busy schedule. Her hair is parted down the center and then blow-dried, likely with a large round brush. Following that, a smoothing serum is applied, paying special attention to the ends, to achieve the straight look she desires.
Her hair boasts a platinum blonde color, but don't be fooled – maintaining blonde hair requires considerable effort. So, if you're still contemplating the allure of going blonde, think twice. It entails a significant amount of labor and can be quite costly too.
Valeria Mazza with smooth long hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles