George Clooney Hair

George Clooney with short gray hair
George Clooney - Photo: Tinseltown/Shutterstock
After his start in television shows like "Facts of Life" and later successes as the sexy "Dr. Doug Ross" in "E.R.", George Clooney has made a name for himself as a director, writer and producer as well as a talented actor.
Clooney is seen here sporting a close-cropped men's cut, shorter on the sides and of equal lengths on the top, crown and back sections. Because the uniform layers follow the contours of the scalp, the cut is great for men with more squared features. The silhouette tends to soften the overall severity of the facial features. The cut is perfect for those with densely growing hair of all types and wave atterns except for the most curly.
The Cut: The cut shown here is truly a traditional man's cut at the heart of it. Comb the hair down in all directions and cut the perimeter following the hairline on the sides and back (squaring the nape area).
Cut the fringe area to the desired length (typically short) and use that as a traveling guide to cut the lengths in the top, crown and back sections. Cut the hair shorter on the sides and blend the lengths as you move to the top and crown areas.
George Clooney's grey hair
George Clooney - Photo by PR Photos
The Style: As simple as this cut was to execute, it is even easier to style. Towel-dry the hair and apply a small amount of styling product and work it through the hair. Blow dry the hair with a flat paddle brush for a neat, groomed look.
If you prefer a more textured finish, simply allow the towel-dried and product-applied hair to air dry naturally.
See also:
Male celebrity hairstyles
Trendy hairstyles for men
Why and how hair turns gray