Disheveled Ponytail

Faith Hill wearing her hair in a disheveled ponytail - Side view
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Faith Hill attended the screening of "Country Strong" in 2010, wearing her hair in a disheveled ponytail that is so trendy today, with a few ends flying boldly out.
To achieve the necessary height we see on Faith's top, gentle backbrushing and smoothing over with a brush before tucking the hair into the ponytail will give as much pouf as desired. There are long strands from the bangs area that are allowed to have their own way and fall in various positions.
Ponytails are most popular during tennis matches and other sports-related events.
Faith wears the earthy look of today with subtle light eyebrows, mascara, and eyeliner. Concealer was applied with matte foundation and a white lip tone. Her brown and black earrings are a nice touch with her black dress.
Because of Faith's lovely profile, I can envision her hair in a more sophisticated updo, reminiscent of old-time movie star Grace Kelly's famous French twist, with a small knotted circle on the top.
Ponytail hairstyle for a middle aged woman - Faith Hill
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Hairstyles for over 40 women - Faith Hill
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Faith Hill wearing a black stand up collar top
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See also: More Faith Hill hairstyles