Men's Grooming: Shaving (2)

Man who is shaving his beard
Photo: Shutterstock
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Turn on the water until you have a warm stream and wet the blade end of the razor. Then, starting at the top of the cheek, glide the blade across the skin in the direction of hair growth.
It is essential to ALWAYS shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the grain can result in ingrown hairs and cause significant discomfort. Facial hair grows in various directions on different parts of the face and neck, so be prepared to change directions frequently.
To prevent the blades from getting clogged, use short strokes with the razor. After each pass, rinse the blades under warm running water to remove the cut hairs and dead skin cells that may get trapped.
Using warm water for rinsing the blades makes it easier to clean. Skin oils can solidify and make it more challenging to unclog the blades. However, if you have particularly sensitive skin or experience irritation when shaving with warm water, switch to cold water. This will provide a more comfortable shaving experience for you.
Rinsing the blades of a manual razor
Photo: Castorly Stock/Pexels
Continue shaving with short strokes until you have removed all the facial hair you desire. Then, re-wet the towel you used in the beginning with cold water to soften your whiskers and wipe away any remaining residue of shaving cream. Cold water will help soothe any irritation you may have experienced and tighten the skin's pores.
If you happen to accidentally cut yourself during shaving, you should take a cotton ball or a piece of bathroom tissue, apply alcohol to it, and gently press it against the cut. This will disinfect the wound and help stop the bleeding.
Follow up your shave with your choice of aftershave balms or skin moisturizers to keep the skin soft.
Ingrown Hairs:
Some men, especially African-American men, may experience difficulties with shaving, even when using electric razors. The curly nature of their hair makes them more prone to ingrown hairs. For these individuals, it is recommended to use a depilatory cream or powder to remove unwanted facial hair. Several manufacturers produce such products specifically designed for men, taking into account the sensitive nature of facial skin.
If you develop an ingrown hair after shaving, apply a topical cream containing hydrocortisone to the affected area. Hydrocortisone helps reduce inflammation and alleviate the itching associated with ingrown hairs. If the ingrown hair does not improve after a few days of treatment or if it becomes larger or more painful, consult a physician. In some cases, ingrown hairs can become infected and lead to scarring or pitting of the skin.
See also:
How to shave your head
Clipper cutting techniques