1920s Hairstyle

1920s look with a finger waves hairstyle for women
Image: AI illustration
Q: I have long (mid-back length) thick, red, wavy hair. I have recently lost 3 stone in weight (I'm now a medium frame) and rediscovered very noticeable cheekbones. I feel that my hair, while I love it, doesn't flatter my face as much as it could. I would love a 1920s hairstyle with pointed front sections along the cheekbones and a short back with a side fringe.
I have an oval face and all my features are regular (although my forehead is a little high). I would like to know whether it is possible to have such a hairstyle with naturally wavy hair or if it would look ridiculous. I have talked to a hairdresser, but she wasn't overly helpful and I could really do with some guidance on this as it's a big step.

A: Actually, many of the shorter, bob hairstyles of the 1920s called for wavy hair. One of the more common ways to achieve the look was called finger waving. The hair was saturated with styling product and - using a comb and the fingers - was combed into a series of ridges and curves, allowed to dry then softened using a comb or brush. The intent was to create the look of naturally wavy hair which was very much in fashion at the time.
In fact, you can look at the hairstyles depicted in the film version of the musical, Chicago, and see a good sampling of the short hair styles popular in the era. If your aim is to play up your newly reclaimed cheekbones, I recommend you go for a blunted bob cut between the tips of the nose and the lips in length. Depending on how wavy the hair is, you can have the ends razored to soften the look. (Very wavy hair and curly hair doesn't work well with razor-cutting and texturing.)
My best suggestion to you however, is to look through some hairstyle magazines (usually available at larger newsstands and magazine sections of some markets) and other magazines for people with similarly shaped faces and similar hair types who have hairstyles that you find attractive, or are similar to what you are looking for. You can even search for photos and images of celebrities and other people online by looking for keywords such as "short vintage bob", "1920s hairstyles", etc.
Short bob inspired by the 1920s
Image: AI illustration
Unfortunately, it's not possible to make a truly accurate suggestion for a hairstyle, or assessment of your idea from description alone, since there are so many factors that play a part in what does and doesn't look good on a particular person when it comes to hair.
Finding a photograph of someone with similar features and a style you would like to emulate gives a better starting point for conversation with your stylist and allows you to better communicate what you want.
See also:
Vintage hairstyles
Celebrity hairstyles
Finger waves and finger waving
Bob hairstyles with a short back