The Haircut Discussion (2)

Couple wearing their hair short - Partnerlook
Photo: Depositphotos
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There are other reasons to cut your hair which might help your loved one to understand your decision. Perhaps the texture of your hair has changed due to age or health. It may not be as full anymore, turn brittle, and no longer work for the hairstyle you have sported for so many years.
Perhaps you took up a new active hobby in the realm of sports and found that long hair gets in the way? Exaggerate a little on the pain of getting your hair caught in zippers, around your neck at night, in car doors, or on the zip line. New mothers often experience their little ones tugging, pulling, and biting their hair. There are many practical reasons to consider a shorter hairstyle that is less likely to be a target.
If he still pouts about the new prospects, then make a deal with him to get a long-haired wig, so that he can still see your glory blowing around in the wind or falling over your shoulders every now and then. Thanks to modern wig technology, we can indeed have it all; it just takes a little adjusting.
It is not as common, but a relationship shake-up because of hair length does not have to be initiated by men. Many women love their men with long hair and feel they are not sleeping next to the same person once the locks have taken a tumble. It is hard to let go of that fantasy that we have about our dear ones.
Couple where man and woman both have a short haircut
Photo: Sergey Causelove via Canva
When Mr. Viking turns into Mr. Banker, it will take some adjusting. But eventually, everyone will realize that the person who met the scissors is still the same, and all will be well. If not and the love and harmony solely rely on the inches of your mane, then something was wrong with the union in the first place and it might be time to move on. Then celebrate the fallen length as your new statement of freedom and independence.
In history and in the realm of stories, sudden short hair did not always have the best consequences. Rapunzel, even though she did not cut it voluntarily, ended up in a desert. But a happy ending was even in store for her; albeit after much time had passed, she reunited with her prince. It did not end well for Joan of Arc, who opted for a short haircut to avoid being harassed and molested by men and to follow her own mission. She ended her life on a pyre, but was later declared a saint.
Let us just hope that your path to a new look is a smooth one and that your new hairstyle will inspire and delight so that you will be showered with compliments. Each transition we go through is a sign of growth and creativity. Change is a wonderful thing that should be embraced, not feared.
See also:
The Lingering Question
Why do Men Prefer Long Hair?