Hairstyles for Business Women (2)

Young woman with a super trendy short haircut for the office
Photo: Depositphotos
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While the super trendy individual may fit in with her social circle, she may not give the best impression in a professional setting. Because of the general preference in the professional field for more conservative aesthetics, the super trendy individual can give the impression of being flighty or inconsistent, since their appearance is prone to changing without warning.
The super trendy individual can fit in very well in a creative field and in industries where the target market demographic matches the super trendy aesthetic. Yet, in the majority of professional environments, the impression is of someone who will be nonconformist and likely to cause unwanted contention in many situations.
The "Minimalist" look is one in which the wearer puts forth only the minimum effort to groom themselves. The hair may be shampooed and conditioned, but is generally not treated much beyond that. The styling may consist of some means of pulling the hair back from the face, but will not include any other techniques. The look also includes simple and utilitarian cuts, such as simple bobs, pixie cuts, and wedge cuts, which are often treated as "wash and wear" styles with no additional grooming.
Woman wearing a silk blouse and a necktie for the office
Photo: Luskiv/Shutterstock
The "Minimalist" can give the impression of being "no-fuss" and "professional" since the hairstyles are often conservative and unlikely to offend anyone's professional sensibilities. However, it can also present a lackadaisical image in an office setting, especially if combined with minimalist looks in makeup and dress as well.
The "Minimalist" look can be suitable for some professional environments, but in settings where you deal with others (even if it's just coworkers) you want to present the impression that you make an effort. It becomes even more critical in certain environments and jobs.
In my twenties, I worked with an advertising publication and we had a team of salespeople who sold advertising space to local businesses. One of the young women on the team had been a stay-at-home mom who got her start by selling advertising over the phone. As her child got older and started school, she decided to expand her efforts and try to increase her sales by making in-person calls to businesses.
But having been at home for so long and with so many other demands on her time, she had adopted a minimalist look out of necessity. She was clean and neat, but made no more than the minimum effort in her grooming.
She faced a great deal of difficulty in making in-person sales, until a manager of a local salon spoke to her candidly and offered to show her some simple tips to spruce up her look without a lot of effort. She admitted that an extra 15 minutes with a curling iron and some hairspray made a world of difference in her reception.
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