How to Wash a Baby's Hair (2)

Happy laughing baby
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Help! My Baby Hates Having His Hair Washed!
Some babies hate having their hair washed. They wiggle, scream, and kick around in the bath. Anything to try and delay mom or dad from washing their hair and making bath time far from being an enjoyable bonding experience for both parent and baby. If this sounds like a familiar scene in your home, there are various tips that may help to make the hair washing battle easier.
In younger babies, it is often advised that they are swaddled, that is, tightly wrapped inside a blanket to make them feel safe and secure before being put in their cot. The same theory can be applied to washing a baby’s hair.
If you are experiencing problems with washing your baby’s hair, try wrapping your baby in a large towel and hold he or she under your arm over a bowl of warm water. Wet your baby's hair, shampoo it, and rinse with your baby in this position. Sounds crazy? But it can actually work wonders in pacifying water-hating infants.
In older babies, usually six months and beyond, using distraction techniques can prove to be a crucial method to appease and calm down fretful babies. If your baby screams when you try to wash his or her hair, try giving the baby a toy in the bath or to look at something interesting on the wall or ceiling.
Babies generally love to imitate, especially an older sibling. If your baby has an older brother or sister, getting them to share a bath and seeing their sibling have their hair washed or washing it themselves, may help your baby overcome his or her dislike of having their own hair washed through a willingness to copy their much admired brother or sister.
Rubber duck in a baby bath
Photo: Patrascu Bianca/Pexels
Many babies have a bald patch appear on the back of their heads and even lose their hair completely. This typically occurs before they reach six months, sometimes even later, and is typically the result of friction from the mattress as babies spend a lot of time lying on their back. The hair usually grows back fairly quickly and can often come back a completely different color! Don’t be alarmed if your baby’s hair does some crazy things, as it is not a result of you washing it incorrectly.
The best advice for any new parent is to relax and enjoy your baby, as relaxing vibes will rub off on your baby and help him or her to also relax. Bath time and washing your baby's hair should be a fun, bonding experience for both you and your baby. Use this time to massage your baby’s scalp, stimulate his or her senses, and really get to know your little one.
See also:
Babies hair
How to take care of your baby's hair
Hair and hairstyles for toddlers and kids
The hair on my baby’s forehead doesn’t grow. Is this something I should worry about?