What Makes a Hairstyle Stylish (2)

Stylish blonde bob
Photo: Shutterstock
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Neat or Messy?
Today many of the trendy hairstyles are rugged, deliberately messy with a lot of texture and often different lengths and jagged edges. Even though there is a lot of turbulence on the head, it is highly stylish. The difference between this and a "bedhead" that you just tousle in place in the morning is the intention. And this intention is always visible.
Manage your Makeup
No overall style is perfect without the right makeup. If your makeup is messy, your nail polish chips off, the lipstick runs outside the lines, the foundation is too dark and creates a line at the edge of your face, the eyeliner turns into an unwanted raccoon look, then it is time to refresh, redo, and perhaps change some of your products.
Your face is the first thing other people see. Keep it fresh and clean with rather less than too much makeup. But use at least a little, like a sparkly lip gloss and some mascara along with a translucent powder. This will show that you take pride in your appearance and that you put some effort into it. Make it match your hairstyle and the vibe of your outfit. It will pull it all together and give you that final touch.
The Power of Accessories
Do not underestimate the fun little things that you can hang on your ears or around your neck. Jewelry is also an important part of your appearance and by picking pieces that suit you, you will not only demonstrate good taste but also leave a subliminal mark on the impression someone has of you. Everything is connected!
Stylish hair looks with long and short bangs
Photos: Shotprime/Canva
Attitude Counts
Love yourself, be proud of yourself and keep a smile on your face. Confidence is not only expressed in the colors and textures that you wrap yourself in from head to toe. Much more than that, it sends an invisible message to the world and it will change the way you are perceived. And that will echo back to you and give you even more motivation and joyous energy to do these extra little efforts that make the difference between just looking nice and looking stylish.
In summary, it can be said that a stylish look is one that matches the individual person in type and vibe and can be easily maintained. A little skill and a few minutes are all that is needed to give it a "finished" and "polished" appearance that harmonizes with the style of the clothes and the accessories. It is the visible extra attention that we pay to ourselves.
See also:
What makes a hairstyle sexy
How to combine hairstyles and jewelry
Matching your hairstyle to the clothes you are wearing
Why it is important to wear your favorite clothes when you get a new haircut