Growing Out Bangs

Girl who is ready to grow her bangs out
Photo: Ruslan Kudrin/Shutterstock
Q: I've had bangs for years (since high school) and now I'd really like to grow my hair all to one length. How do I get my bangs to catch up with the rest of my hair?
A: Well, you were probably hoping I could give you some well-guarded professional's secret for accelerated hair growth, but unfortunately there isn't one. You're just going to have to let them grow, and depending on how long the rest of your hair is, it could take a while.
Now that I've given you the bad news, here's some good news. In other words, I have some tips to help you deal with those bangs while they grow. When the bangs first grow past the length you normally wear them and begin to fall into your eyes in that annoying way that they have, consider using a curling iron. By curling your bangs, you make them seem shorter.
Once they've grown a little more, sufficiently so that they can be combed back onto the head, use a headband to keep them out of your face. You can also - if you prefer - try styling your hair back and away from your face, using styling product to hold the bangs back with the rest of your hair. This is also a good time to consider adding curl to your hairstyle if it doesn't already have curl. Adding curl to the style will help to mask the bangs' length.
After a little more time "growing", your bangs will reach the length where they can be blended in more easily with the rest of your hair, and styled to either side. You'll reach a length where they stop being the complete pain in the neck they have been and become just a minor consideration in the way you wear your hair.
If you're willing to sacrifice a little length from the rest of your hair, you could consider a shorter blunt cut that would close the gap between your bangs and the rest of your hair. At the very least, you'll want to keep the length of the main portion of your hair stable by keeping it trimmed. Otherwise, your bangs will never catch up because the goal line keeps moving, too.
Bear in mind that the average person's hair grows only 1/2 inch per month. Even with minimal trimming (every 8-12 weeks) you can only expect 5 inches of growth per year. So, if you have long hair past your shoulders - say, 18 inches - and want to grow out bangs that are around 4 inches long at the start, you're looking at almost three years before your hair will all be a uniform length.
See also:
How to grow out your bangs
How to trim bangs
The different types and styles of bangs
Is it a good idea to cut your own bangs?
How do you know if side bangs will suit you?