Build-Up in Hair (2)

Hairdresser washing hair
Photo: Bigstock
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If you are someone who works out daily and sweats a lot, has very thin/fine hair, an oily scalp, and/or lives in a humid location, you have permission to lather up daily. You are the lucky exception to the rule, and the reason is that the infrequent washing rule is solely because shampoo traps any natural oils, like sebum oil, and proceeds to dry out your hair. It eliminates the natural oil/dirt barrier that provides some protection.
If you have thicker hair or dry/curly locks, you can go two to three days between shampooing. If you have gotten your hair professionally styled, it can last up to a week as long as you went in to the salon with super clean hair. Think about older women and how they go to the salon to get their hair done once a week. That’s pretty typical for them, and it can be typical for you. To keep yourself feeling fresh, dry shampoo can be your best friend and very helpful. Always have a travel-sized bottle of dry shampoo to throw in your bag for on-the-go touch-ups.
As I already mentioned, there is something that our follicles produce called sebum oil stemming from the sebaceous glands, which secrete a waxy-oily substance, also known as fat. It helps to waterproof hair and skin as well as act as a lubricant. It also helps to maintain the quality of your hair in an extremely natural way, while keeping your hair manageable and protected from the environment's harsh toxins (as best as it can, that is).
Hair with sebum oil
Photo: Warat42/Canva
And while the sebum oil has many benefits, if you have naturally oily or thin hair, your hair will be more likely to pick up and absorb nasty smells around you like smoke, stale food, etc. So, as previously mentioned, if you have hair like this, you need to make sure that you maintain it the best that you can. That includes daily washings and possibly consulting with you stylist who can recommend an amazing shampoo/conditioner combo that will erase the stench so you can be fresh as a daisy.
I hope that all of this has helped and that you now see the benefits of not washing your hair too frequently and you understand that our hair does produce necessary oils to keep it healthy and they cannot be ignored. The more aware you are, the better understanding you have, the better you can treat your hair. Good luck!