Give Definition to Wispy Ends

Shiny silky hair
Photo: Studio Lucky/Shutterstock
Q: My hair is very silky and shiny, except on the ends. Even just after I get a trim, the ends are 'wispy' no matter what I do. Is there a product I can put on the ends to give them more definition, or something else I could do?
A: You may need to look into using a good leave-in spray conditioner and/or shine enhancer. These are effective on hair that has problem areas because they allow you to target "the ends of the hair" or "just the back" or wherever you seem to be having problems with poor condition.
In addition, after shampooing, you may want to apply a little smoothing serum or anti-frizz product to weigh down the ends of the hair and help to smooth the cuticle and bond split ends to leave the hair looking healthier.
We have to keep in mind that when you're dealing with hair that's long, the ends of the hair are the portions that have been exposed to the most styling and environmental stress.
For example: Your hair is an average of 15-inches long from scalp to ends. You regularly have your hair trimmed about - of an inch every two months to keep it healthy and remove split ends. Since the average person's hair grows about one-half inch per month, that means that the bottom inch to inch and a half of your hair is at least 3 years old.
This means that the hair has been exposed to daily styling, and three years of summer sun, winter cold, swimming pool chlorine, or countless other types of damaging factors. As a natural fiber, it can wear out. Certainly, it is logical that it would look and act differently from the hair portions that are half as old.
See also:
How to weigh hair down
The effect of the weather and environmental stress on our hair