Easy Hairstyle for a Heart Shaped Face

Pregnant woman with short hair
Photo: ArtFamily/Shutterstock
Q: I am nearly due to have a baby and I would like a hairstyle that is easy to manage. Currently, I have a bob with razored ends and am blow drying it and straightening it every day.
I would like a more textured, choppy, easy-to-manage hairstyle that is fashionable. I am quite happy to go shorter and have a heart-shaped face. Do you have any suggestions for hairstyles for a heart-shaped face please?

A: First, allow me to congratulate you on your pending new arrival. Now, unfortunately, I must inform you that you haven't provided anywhere near the amount of information I would need to make a reasonable suggestion on a hairstyle for you.
To make a decision on what would be a flattering hairstyle, you have to consider not only the shape of the face, but also the build and body type, the balance and proportion of the facial features, the hair's texture, density, wave pattern, and any growth patterns as well.
That being said, I do have to warn you that the style you suggest (choppy, textured) may not be that much easier to manage than your current style. Even with shorter hair, the type of style you are referring to takes just as much effort to style as your razor-cut bob. Unless you have a natural curl, you would need to use a curling iron or flat iron to turn the ends outward for that "choppy texture" you seek.
What you'll want is to find a style that makes use of your natural wave and growth patterns in the style, so that you can either wash-and-wear the style, or can at least eliminate one or more of the styling steps you currently employ.
See also:
The shape of your face
How to match your hairstyle and body type
How to analyze your own hair
How to pick the right short hairstyle for your face shape
What style would you recommend for curly hair and a rounded heart-shaped face?