Debra Messing's Held Back Hair

Debra Messing with her hair held back
Debra Messing - Photo: Everett Collection/Shutterstock
Q: I have long hair, and I love the look of Debra Messing's hair in the movie 'Along Came Polly'. She has it down, and it is held back with an invisible hair band. There must be product there and how do I go about getting that style? Thanks.
A: I have not seen the film, "Along Came Polly", and have not been able to find any screen shots or publicity still featuring a hairstyle that I can be certain are the one to which you are referring.
There are a number of publicity stills where Debra Messing's hair is worn down and styled back away from her face, but the style in most of these is one easily achieved by blow-drying the hair using styling gel (maximum hold) and root lifting sprays.
Another photo shows Ms. Messing with the top and sides of her hair pulled back at the rear crown. This could be the scene in reference, but it doesn't show the rear of her head.
There are a number of styling aids available which offer invisible, or near-invisible, hold for the hair. You can find clear silicone bands for use in ponytails and partial ponies that become transparent when worn. This may be the type of product you are looking for.
All I can suggest - apart from this - is that if you have a particular hairstyle in mind, you should please present a photo or other image source for the hairstyle. This situation gets into the same problems many hairdressers and clients face when a client tries to express a desired style.
Without some clear definition of the parameters of the style, or at least a photo from which to work, the stylist cannot possibly know what you have in mind unless you have a common point of reference.
See also:
Celebrity hairstyles
Debra Messing hairstyles
How to blow dry hair