How to Wash Your Lingerie

Photo: Weerameth Weerachotewong/Shutterstock
Expensive and exotic lingerie is every woman’s fantasy. Not only do you treasure them, but also want them to keep looking good. Lingerie should always be handled with care as they are very delicate. Before washing always remember to read the washing instructions given on the label. If you wash your lingerie vey harshly, then they won’t last for a long time.
Also, keep all your lingerie that needs washing in a lingerie bag to keep them from tangling and away from friction against tougher fabrics. Lingerie has always been one of the most important parts of a woman’s wardrobe. So, it is very important that you know how to take care of these delicate things.
Here are few more tips on how to wash your lingerie and make them last longer:
• Lingerie should always be washed after every wear as perfume, perspiration, and other lotions might stain the fabric. Also if used for a longer period without washing, the straps and bands might lose their elasticity.
• Always sort your lingerie according to color. You can also sort them by whites, medium, or dark colors, so as to stop the lighter ones from getting stains from the darker colored ones.
• Try and wash your lingerie with your hands rather than chucking them in the machine. But if that’s not possible, then always put your machine on delicate cycle and use cold water and a gentle detergent. Before putting them in the machine, attach the hooks and the eyes so that they don’t come out as a tangled mass at the end of your washing. And don’t forget to use that lingerie bad we mentioned before.
• When washing by hand, always use a mild detergent and wash your lingerie only in luke-warm water. This is very important for cotton lingerie as hot water might damage the color and the material. Also remember not to rub those lacy numbers too hard, otherwise the lace will tear easily.
• Wired and padded lingerie should be washed for a short cycle in machines otherwise the wire may come out or the pads may get destroyed. If you’re a fan of push-up bras, you need to keep this point in mind or else the push-ups won’t be doing their job very well!
• Lingerie should never be dried in a dryer as heat of the dryer might affect its elasticity, cause wire distortion, and fray and shrink the trims. Always line-dry your lingerie.
• For lingerie made from silk, satin, or synthetic always opt for dry-cleaning as these are very delicate material. If you need to wash them at home, then use mild detergent and cold water to soak and rinse them.
A few basic easy-to-do tips, if practiced well enough can help you keep your lingerie looking good longer.