Sharon Lawrence's Medium Length Hair

Sharon Lawrence with medium length red hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Sharon Lawrence wears medium length red hair with a few thin defining lines of a lighter hue that keeps her haircolor brightened.
Styled in a semi blunt fashion with long layers moving down from the top and choppy jagged bangs completely full of moxie! The ends have been edged bluntly completely around the hair.
With radiant pink undertones, Sharon increases her warmth with the red hair building a resplendent picture to behold! Look just a little bit closer and you will see how the irises in her eyes reflect the coppery tone in her hair.
Dark shadow has been applied on the eyelids closing the appearance of the eyes and the thickness of her eyebrows lends a young and gentle image. Thin eyebrows can generate a harsh, strict image if the model cannot wear them successfully. The final touch is topped with a rosy coral lip tint that brings a hint of perfection to Sharon's overall appearance.
Sharon's dress is a classy silver tone with reflections of the color of her hair in the undertones of the fabric. The coppery color of Sharon's hair, her make-up and dress, reflect good taste for a very youthful touch!