Valeria Mazza's Hair

Valeria Mazza - Simple long hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
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Argentinean supermodel Valeria Mazza was discovered when she was only 17 years old. Some of them get early starts and they work hard, and climb to the top.
Valeria is wearing her hair long and in a very simplified manner that works with her busy schedule. Her hair has been combed in the center and then blown dry, probably with a large round brush. Afterwards, a smoothing serum is applied, paying special attention to her ends, to accomplish the straighter appeal she desires.
Her hair color is a platinum blonde and do not be deluded, there is a lot of maintenance involved when you decide to go blonde. So, if you are still mulling over in our mind about how much fun being a blonde would be, think again. It involves a great amount of labor and can be quite pricey too.
Valeria Mazza with smooth long hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles