Katherine Heigl's Curled Hair

Katherine Heigl with long curled hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Although, celebrity Katherine Heigl's (January 28, 2007) dress is more of an orange reddish color, it looks smashing on her and are my eyes deceiving me or do I need specks? Are waves actually trying to make a come back after all of my nagging in the beauty industry?
I see a suggestive wave dipping on the corner of her forehead with the rest of the hair curled up and it looks to me like the irregular parts are fast becoming a thing of the past. After parting your hair on the side just like the picture, roll the heaviest part on the top in medium sized rollers all going under, this is the easy way to make that luscious wave. Do the same on the other side measuring to your eye brows only.
Notice how the rest of the hair is more in coils, than waves? Roll your sides and back vertically away from the face. When dry, brush the top and place the wave in with your hand, if it is too tight, not to worry, it will relax in an hour or two. Coil the curls around with your hand and let fall.
You can do this with hot rollers too, the best way is beginning with wet clean hair and using plastic, magnetic, Velcro (there is always the possibility of Velcro getting tangled in your hair and making it difficult to undo) or wired rollers for healthier hair and a longer hairstyle.
Katherine Heigl - long curled and waved hair
Photo by PR Photos
Katherine Heigl's wearing a long orange dress
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Katherine Heigl hairstyles