Jena Malone Hairstyles

Jena Malone was born November 21, 1984 and has been busy with acting since 1996. She stars in her latest film with Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild in 2007.
  • Jena Malone with long hair
  • Jena Malone with really short hair
  • Jena Malone pixie
  • Jena Malone with short curled hair
  • Jena Malone with an above the collar haircut
  • Jena Malone with flattened hair
  • Jena Malone wearing a turtleneck dress

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Jena has an outgoing extroverted personality and doesn't seem to be afraid to try anything at least once and this includes her haircuts. If the script calls for a short punky funky haircut, Jena is your girl.
If it means to tint her hair from her normal light brown hair to a spiffy darker or lighter shade, no problem; it's all in a day's work.
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