Malin Akerman's Short Hairstyle

Malin Akerman with short hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Malin Akerman looks good in turquoise, and as we look closer at her short hairstyle, we discover it isn't the everyday run-of-the-mill style. Her hair is cut to sit close to her head and would probably touch the collar in the back.
The style is lightly layered with attractive angles along her sides if she desires to wear her hair toward her face. The top is the most stylish and unusual part of her whole hairstyle, as there are several individual sections, about 7, that come down upon her forehead and then over to the side.
Her clear makeup goes well with her fair to medium skin tones. She keeps her eyebrows thin and lightly penciled. There are light and dark eyeshadows, lashes, and mascara. There is a bronzing blush and a neutral pink lip color that finalizes the beauty in the picture.
Malin Akerman's short collar length hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More short hairstyles