Brenda Song's Very Long Hair

Brenda Song with super long wavy hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Brenda Song wears her super long wavy hair parted on the side and down her shoulders.
The top area has been smoothed to go back and over into a large rounded curl covering the rest of the hair on the sides. Her hair has been colored a reddish chestnut/mahogany color, while the undercoat is closer to her natural color and could be a piece or possible extensions.
The best way to curl a long mane like Brenda's is to use either conventional rollers and wait until your hair is dry to take them out, or if you haven't the time, set them vertically with hot rollers. If you decide to go with the curling iron, be prepared to spend a long time laboring with your hair.
Brenda is another girl who likes her makeup to appear natural, as there is a bit of bronzing involved in her blending, warm/dark shadows, lashes, mascara, blush, penciled brows and very transparent lip tint.
Brenda Song
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles