Jennie Garth's Curled Hair

Jennie Garth - Curled hairstyle with a hair ornament
Photo by PR Photos
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Jennie Garth is giving us a real treat with her smooth, fine lines that begin with the simple part on the side. Her hair is practically all one length, which is why we see the large rounded bulk along the sides and the back.
There are several options to achieve this style, but rolling with conventional rollers would not only be healthier for your hair but also provide more staying power for the hairstyle.
Spritz your setting lotion and roll medium-sized rollers, starting from the part. Then, about halfway, roll the rest of the rollers vertically toward the face. Once dry, brush out vigorously with a firm natural-bristled brush, bringing the hair over to the side and allowing it to fluff up as pictured. Bring the hair on the other side behind the ear.
Fasten with a hair ornament, in Jennie's case, the black flower. Experiment with your hair. You never know what you can do until you go for it!
See also: More Jennie Garth hairstyles