Salma Hayek's Retro Updo

Salma Hayek - Retro updo with jeweled bands
Photo by PR Photos
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A class act, Salma Hayek poses with dark jeweled multiple-stringed bands around her head, reminiscent of a Greek goddess. Her hair is styled into a retro updo with the sides fastened back and curls along the back and neck.
If this look suits you, roll your hair all over with conventional medium rollers, away from the face. Brush generously when dry. Then, take your wide-toothed comb, run it through your hair, and allow it to curl up where it desires. The fun part is putting that hairband on for the finishing touch!
Dark hair and a stunning white dress with drop jeweled earrings - is this smashing or what! A tri-chain necklace is possible, but it might be a bit too much when considering the silver accessory on her dress. A nother consideration is the way the top hangs in a slanted design.
Salma Hayek - Formal hairstyle with curls along the back
Photo by PR Photos
A necklace might overthrow the appearance of the whole style with the slant of the dress and the circle of the necklace. They might not mesh together. The wine-colored lip tint complements her complexion and the rest of her makeup.