Angela Kinsey's Hair

Angela Kinsey - Long and straight blonde hair
Photos by PR Photos
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We recognize Angela Kinsey from her role on the sitcom The Office. With her long, straight platinum blonde hair, she bears a resemblance to the late May Britt, wife of Sammy Davis Jr.
Isn't it amazing how much better everyone looks when they smile? We see one picture of her with a half-hearted smile and the other with a cheerful grin.
Her hair, extending below the shoulders, boasts smooth lines with chopped ends and a few tweaks for bangs. This look is both impressive and inspiring for others with straight blonde hair like Angela.
If this hairstyle appeals to you, don't forget to bring this photo to your hairstylist.
Angela Kinsey - Smooth long hairstyle with bangs
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Angela Kinsey hairstyles