Joely Richardson's Straight Long Hair

Joely Richardson wearing her hair long and straight
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Here's a photo of Joely Richardson at the Anonymous Berlin Premiere in Germany on October 30, 2011. Joely's hair is styled very naturally, showcasing her natural beauty and light effortlessly.
Joely is 46 years old, yet she looks better than most twenty-somethings. Is it just good genes, or are clever styling, immaculate makeup, and a healthy lifestyle her trump cards? You be the judge of that. But never let it be said again that you can't have long hair after you've sailed past the big 40.
Achieving this ageless look is really easy, so pay attention. Apply blow-dry lotion and a heat protectant to wet hair. Blow-dry your hair, taking care to keep the blow-dryer above your head at all times. This ensures that you're blowing the hair cuticles in a downwards direction, which ensures that beautiful healthy shine when your hair is dry. Afterwards, run a straightening iron through the hair, working through big sections at a time. Take care not to iron the hair perfectly straight, as this will spoil the natural look.
Long hair for women aged over 40 - Joely Richardson
Photo by PR Photos
Then throw your hair back and forth three times, and spritz some shine spray on your hair, preferably something with a silicone base that will protect the hair against humidity and other elements.
Joely's hair has a light blonde base, worked through with fine platinum highlights, creating perfect equilibrium, offsetting the depth of color and dimension with effortless grace. Her hair is naturally fine and straight, while her natural hair color is a light blonde. This works beautifully with her light complexion and eyes, lending an almost fragile and ethereal picture of ageless beauty.
Joely Richardson - Ageless look with naturally styled long hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Joely Richardson hairstyles