Jaime King's Long Straight Hair

Jaime King with long straight hair
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Jaime King's parents used to call her "James." This celebrity was known to be one of the most famous models in the industry before she went into acting. Do blondes really have more fun? Jaime would probably say yes. Here she is seen at the 33rd Annual People's Choice Awards on January 9th, 2007.
There are times when Jaime has her long, layered hair styled straight and smooth, falling below her shoulders. To achieve this look, begin by heating your flat iron. Section your dry hair into three areas: top, center, and bottom. Then, section your sides and finally the top, after centering your part.
Spray a fixing agent on about an inch of hair, starting from the scalp and drawing it back to the ends, moving downwards. Work your way up, repeating this method, then begin on the sides, working your way up to the top. When done, apply a smoothing crème and spray if desired.
Jaime King's blonde hair color
Photo by PR Photos
Jaime King's long and smooth hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
Jaime King with hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Jaime King Hairstyles