Anna Wintour's Bob

Anna Wintour - Bob hairstyle that is curved around the jaws
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Anna Wintour attended the "After Miss Julie" Broadway Show Opening Night in New York. What an exciting time for everyone!
Anna wore her hair in a bob, curved around her jawline and flowing to connect just below her chin. Edged bangs hung tight over her eyebrows, partially obscuring her face. Her hair showcased several shades of blondes, browns, and caramel colors throughout.
She also sported taupe eyeshadow, eyeliner, lashes, and mascara. A touch of blush and a light neutral rose completed her look.
Anna's outfit consisted of a light taupe frock, revealing a multicolored dress in turquoise, black, and white, topped with a heavy gold-colored necklace.
Anna Wintour look with a rejuvenating bob haircut
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See also: More Anna Wintour hairstyles