Crops for Girls

Long to short haircut makeover
Photos: Crops for Girls
Women's Short Hair Specialist in New York!
There is a very special hair salon located on 9th Street in New York City's East Village: "Crops for Girls". This salon is unique because it specializes in women's short haircuts.
In fact, there's a prominent sign outside the salon that reads "SPECIALIZING IN WOMEN'S SHORT HAIRCUTS". While this may seem odd, as it could potentially deter clients who aren't ready for short hair, the opposite is true; the salon is thriving, and its success is attributed to its specialization in short hair!
Owner and hairstylist Michael Damico began cutting hair in 1985. Soon, he realized that exclusively working with long hair - just trimming and blow-drying - was rather monotonous. He opened his first hair salon in New York City in May 1992. However, he found it disappointing that most clients only sought trims.
Clients were hesitant to have their hair cut short, often opting for high-priced hairdressers charging $100 or more for a haircut. Michael, charging only $30, was equally skilled at creating stunning short haircuts. It was then that he decided to specialize in short haircuts for women.
He wanted to unleash his creativity with scissors and clippers. Michael has a passion for crafting funky haircuts, which are best suited for short hair. It's exhilarating to begin with a long mane, pour all your creativity into it, and conclude with a stunning short haircut. Achieving excellent short haircuts requires much more practice than working with long hair.
Michael's extensive experience with short haircuts makes him the perfect hairstylist to consult when you're ready for a significant change. He offers professional advice to ensure you get the most out of your new look.
You're always welcome to visit the salon and peruse the books featuring numerous short and very short hairstyles. Michael will gladly offer advice on which short styles would complement you best. Curious about the possibilities of short hair for yourself? Drop by for a consultation. After witnessing the versatility, trendiness, and allure of short hair, you might feel inspired to take the plunge as well. Let this short hair specialist unleash his creativity on your locks, and revel in the beauty and comfort of a short haircut. The best part is, Michael sometimes offers free haircuts!
Long hair to pixie cut makeover
Photos: Crops for Girls
There are many reasons why you might choose to opt for a short haircut. The primary reason, of course, is that the right short haircut can accentuate a girl's natural beauty. Too often, girls conceal their lovely facial features behind a curtain of long hair.
It's a shame to see some girls spending excessive amounts of time washing and blow-drying long hair when they could look much better with an easy-to-style short cut. The truth is, many girls would look their best with a short haircut. That's why most stylists often recommend cutting a significant amount of hair when given carte blanche to do as they please.
How about taking home a special souvenir from your visit to New York City? While you're in the Big Apple, explore the East Village. Enjoy shopping at fashionable boutiques and pay a visit to Manhattan's short hair specialist at 437 East 9th Street: "Crops for Girls."
Let Michael offer you advice on short hair and experience firsthand how his creative hands can give you a stunning new look. It will only cost you between $35 and $40 (just $20 for students!) to explore the beauty and advantages of short hair. How about treating yourself to a short hair makeover to add some excitement to your visit to Manhattan?
Short hair is once again gaining popularity. Nowadays, young women with very short haircuts are frequently spotted in New York City. Did you know that New York's East Village is renowned for pioneering trends that quickly spread throughout Manhattan and beyond? Perhaps it's not a coincidence that Michael's salon is situated there. Discover more about this salon on!
By Chris | Updated | ©

See also: How to get free or cheap haircuts